The video begins and somewhat worryingly, we’re greeted with the sight of Tommy Wasley front and centre of the frame, dressed in the tackiest pirate costume ever witness. Standing on the bow of the ship that will host Symphony Of The Sea, he has one leg bent at the knee, resting on a fake wooden leg and an inflatable parrot on his shoulder. He grins broadly from beneath his tricorn hat as he gestures to the camera.

“Yar me hearties, shiver me timbers an’ swab the poop deck or walk the plank!”

For emphasis, he pulls his plastic pirate sword from his belt and waves it around like he’s swashbuckling.

“Avast ye landlubbers ‘n welcome aboard th' Jolly Moustache, th' finest vessel t' sail th' seven seas, from Singapore t' Tortuga 'n everywhere in between!

'n right now it be all hands on deck, wit’ many a scurvy cur 'n salty seadog from here t' Port Royal be lookin' t' get thar hands on th' booty ‘n plunder that’s on offer in that thar invitational!

Many a son o' a cur be comin' aboard lookin' t' try 'n loot those one hundred thousand pieces o' eight from under th' nose o' ole Captain Wasley, but this ole seadog, he's not as squiffy as he might look!”

He shakes his head vigorously and has to grab at his hat as the wind almost takes it. He nearly pokes himself in his one uncovered eye with his sword in the process.

“Now this freebooter, he's ready t' batten down th' hatches an’ give no quarter, be it Blackbeard Mason or Davey Jones hisself that that tries t' climb jacobs ladders 'n wrassle th' cox from ole Cap'n Wasley's grip!  

Thar be room for only one Cap’n aboard this ‘ere vessel an’ blimey, me harties, that be me!

One hundred thousand pieces o’ eight an’ a contract t' challenge fer any title, that be the prize for ole Cap’n Wasley an’ that means beatin' every other land lubber, cur, swine 'n filibuster t' grace that rin', sendin' each o' them t' Davy Jones' locker t' feed th' fish!

Dead men tell no tales 'n this buccaneer plans t' ensure thar's nobody left to tell them! I be bringin’ th' finest weapons I 'ave; the Man-o-War an’ th’ Flyin’ Dutchman!”

He motions with his left hand then his right, flexing.

“Thar’ll be no Rogerin’ th’ Cabin boy ‘n the only Seaman Staines be lingerin’ in Johnny’s budgie smugglers aft’ admirin’ the fine strumpet that be on this ship! No, th' plan be simple: hornswoggle me way t' plunder that booty by any means necessary… from orlop t' poop deck, front t' aft, it’s all hands hoay! ‘N by th’ end, if ol’ Cap’n Wasley ain’t the winner, then a black spot on all o' ye an’ a bottle o’ rum for me! Yo ho ho!”

With that, he winks… not the best idea when wearing an eyepatch really, and with that the video ends.
